Ce livre est la continuité de ma série de peintures Color Language où la perception de la couleur est questionnée par différentes cultures. La série a été créée à Paris avec l'aide de huit personnes parlant chacune une langue différente. En utilisant la voix des participants, les ondes sonores du mot de la couleur dans chaque langue sont enregistrées et traduites en peinture présentées dans ce livre. Ce projet de sérigraphie examine le monochrome en considérant sa diversité à travers la langue.
This book is based on my painting series Color Language where the perception of color is questioned by various cultures. The series was created in Paris, France with the help of eight people who all speak different languages. Using their voice, the sound waves of the word for the color in each language were recorded and translated into paintings which are ilustrated in this book. This silkscreen project examines the monochrome considering the diversity of its symbolism through language.
sérigraphie sur papier/ silkscreen on paper
15 x 15 cm
30 Euros/35 Dollars
This book is based on my painting series Color Language where the perception of color is questioned by various cultures. The series was created in Paris, France with the help of eight people who all speak different languages. Using their voice, the sound waves of the word for the color in each language were recorded and translated into paintings which are ilustrated in this book. This silkscreen project examines the monochrome considering the diversity of its symbolism through language.
sérigraphie sur papier/ silkscreen on paper
15 x 15 cm
30 Euros/35 Dollars